Building on the basics as we prepare for both the second half of the MBAA series and start thinking about NICA racing in 2020! These clinics are guaranteed to foster confidence on the bike and speed on the trails!
Skills Clinic #1: Getting to know your bike, bike/body position, and Braking (wide corner braking and timing)
Topic #1 - Getting to know your bike! We will spend just a few minutes on tire pressure, maintenance, etc. (a dedicated bike maintenance clinic will be scheduled in the near future to build upon what is covered here)
Topic #2 - Foundations! Bike/Body position. Attack position.
Topic #3 - Focus here is on body position under heavy braking. Heavy braking will take place at the bottom of grass hill. Are you seated or standing? Are your elbows wide and bent? Are their heels down on the pedals or toes over the front?
Topic #4 - The importance of braking early and then letting the bike gain traction through the turn. This is a trust drill. You will learn to trust the tires under both braking and cornering here. Are you braking too late and losing speed?
This is the first clinic in a series of four weekly clinics with a focus on progressive skill development to increase rider skill level and confidence! The skill you learn here are guaranteed to make you a more confident and capable rider.
Space is limited to 20. All riders of all skill levels, ages 8 - 18 are welcome. We will be working in a park setting (on grass) and will not venture on to local trails during this session. Helmet and water required.
Register below for the series and SAVE $10!
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Earlier Event: January 29
Youth Clinic #4 - Putting it all Together